Why did God number the events mentioned in the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials, which was a method that was definitely NEW in Bible prophecy? In fact, the only prophetic events God has ever given in His Word that follows a sequential order were: “the Wars Fought Over Palestine from 323-175 BC between the Kings of the North – Babylonia (Syria) and the Kings of the South – Egypt,” which are found in the Book of Daniel the eleventh chapter. Even though these war and kings are given in sequential order as these kings lived and fought these battles, God did not NUMBER these EVENTS as He did in the Book of Revelation! Therefore, this Book is King of all prophetic writings in the Word of God, and the Key to understanding the TIMING of many of the events mentioned in them!!
This author is well aware from the many books he has read on prophecy, that many prophetic interpreters disregard God’s NUMERICAL SYSTEM in this great Book, as though it had no real value in understanding Bible Prophecy. Not only this, but they do the very same thing with the WORDS and CONTEXT God uses to reveal these prophetic events. This author avowals that he is committed to a literal interpretation of God’s SEQUENTIAL NUMERIC SYSTEM, as well as allowing the Word of God to interpret its own symbolism. This author strongly believes that the EVENTS in chapters 1-10 are all in a SEQUENTIAL CONSECUTIVE ORDER, and chapters 11-18 are “Inserted Events that Transpire in the Last Three and Half Years of the Great Tribulation Period.”
Some of the questions this book will answer are: Will the New Covenant of Jesus’ Precious Sinless Blood end with the Pretribulation Rapture and Resurrection, if it does as some claim, can anyone be saved without God’s grace, that is, our Savior’s Sinless Blood? What did Jesus teach in His parables concerning the length of time His Mystery Kingdom, i.e. the Church Age, will last? Is the Antichrist a man or a spirit? Will the Antichrist come from the nation of Iraq?
Does the Bible give the Man of Lawlessness’ genealogy, or in other words, will the Antichrist come from the Jewish tribe of Dan and also the Seleucid dynasty of Grecian Kings? Will the Antichrist begin his rise to power as a religious leader, military leader, or as a political leader? Is the second seal in the six chapter of Revelation speaking of: “wars between nations,” “world anarchy,” or “both”? Does the pair of scales in the man’s hand, in the third seal, represent world famine or the Antichrist’s control of world trade?
Will the ten European Kings and kingdoms be Catholic? Will the Seventh Empire of the Antichrist be composed of European nations or will it be composed of the nations of the Middle East, Western Asia, Southern Asia, and North Africa? Will the Beast with Seven Heads and Tens Horns be an Empire or the Antichrist as a King over the Nations or both? Will Gog and his great army invade Palestine once or twice? Will the Antichrist be killed by Gog in the middle of the Tribulation Period, and if so, will he be resurrected from the dead? During the sixth seal period will meteorites crash into the earth, and if so, will the earth be moved out of its orbit? During the time of God’s Wrath will God shorten the time of day from a 24-hour day to a 16-hour day, if so how will this be possible?
In the seventh chapter of Revelation are the 144,000 literal or spiritual Jews, or are they both, also what is their sealing? Who are the two prophets mentioned in the eleven chapter of Revelation, and what is their ministry? Who is Mystery Babylon the mother of all false religions? These are a few of the questions that will be answered in this book. So with these questions in mind, let us begin our examination of God’s Book of Revelation. Visit http://doctrinesofchrist.com/
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Doctrines Of Christ
A Note from the Author: Since Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ, gives His Salvation and His Word to all freely (Rev 22:17, Mt 10:7-8), this book, and all other books, written by Harry A. Peyton are given without charge, and can be accessed through the Internet at the following address: http://www.DoctrinesOfChrist.com. Therefore, fell free to copy it in digital or written form, and share it with others. Since this book is copyrighted, the author forbids any alteration of its contents, and the reproduction of it in any form for Marketing Purposes. This book may be placed on anyone’s web page, as long as my website address is attached to it.
The author believes that the Word of God is infallible in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE it was written in, and all translations of the Bible regardless of how good they may be are NOT. Since the author has implicit faith in the infallibility of the Word of God, the author has formed his beliefs firmly on the truth of the Bible. This author uses the ancient ANTIOCHIAN LITERAL-HISTORICAL METHOD OF INTERPRETING THE BIBLE, which was used by early Christian Prophets and Apostles of the Bible.
I definitely believe that the ancient Alexandrian Allegorical Method of spiritualizing scripture, which was made popular by the ancient Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus (13 BC – 50 AD) and later used by the Ante-Nicene Catholic Priests, especially Origen and his student Clement of Alexandria (200 AD), is an abomination to our Lord. Therefore, all scriptures will be interpreted in a literal exegetical fashion, unless the language used and the context demands a spiritual interpretation.
All CAPITALIZATION and ITALICIZATION in QUOTES used in this book is always MINE. All Biblical quotes used in this book will be in dark red, and from the New King James version of the Bible, unless another version is stated as the reference. The vast majority of all translations of the Bible, as well as Hebrew and Greek Lexical definitions and grammar, will come from BibleWorks computer software program version 7.0. The author in most places will quote verses from the Bible instead of commenting on a verse and giving a reference; for He believes that the written Word of God’s has greater power to inspire and enlighten a heart to understand and act upon truth, than the elegant oratory or writings of any man.
If this book has been a blessing to my beloved readers, and they would like to send an offering to the author, feel free to do so. If anyone wishes to send any biblical or historical materials to the author, my address is: 148 Little Creek Hills Rd.: Alto, NM 88312: Phone # 575-336-2800: Email address: DoctrineOfChrist@Hotmail.com.
The author believes that the Word of God is infallible in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE it was written in, and all translations of the Bible regardless of how good they may be are NOT. Since the author has implicit faith in the infallibility of the Word of God, the author has formed his beliefs firmly on the truth of the Bible. This author uses the ancient ANTIOCHIAN LITERAL-HISTORICAL METHOD OF INTERPRETING THE BIBLE, which was used by early Christian Prophets and Apostles of the Bible.
I definitely believe that the ancient Alexandrian Allegorical Method of spiritualizing scripture, which was made popular by the ancient Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus (13 BC – 50 AD) and later used by the Ante-Nicene Catholic Priests, especially Origen and his student Clement of Alexandria (200 AD), is an abomination to our Lord. Therefore, all scriptures will be interpreted in a literal exegetical fashion, unless the language used and the context demands a spiritual interpretation.
All CAPITALIZATION and ITALICIZATION in QUOTES used in this book is always MINE. All Biblical quotes used in this book will be in dark red, and from the New King James version of the Bible, unless another version is stated as the reference. The vast majority of all translations of the Bible, as well as Hebrew and Greek Lexical definitions and grammar, will come from BibleWorks computer software program version 7.0. The author in most places will quote verses from the Bible instead of commenting on a verse and giving a reference; for He believes that the written Word of God’s has greater power to inspire and enlighten a heart to understand and act upon truth, than the elegant oratory or writings of any man.
If this book has been a blessing to my beloved readers, and they would like to send an offering to the author, feel free to do so. If anyone wishes to send any biblical or historical materials to the author, my address is: 148 Little Creek Hills Rd.: Alto, NM 88312: Phone # 575-336-2800: Email address: DoctrineOfChrist@Hotmail.com.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Retired Pastor, Evangelist, and Author Harry A. Peyton challenges any Pastor to an honorable formal Public Debate on the Biblical New Birth. This minister believes that the only way anyone, Christian or non-Christian, can receive Eternal Life is by entering into the death, burial, and resurrection of our God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. This can ONLY be done by being baptized into the sin cleansing Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by receiving the Holy Spirit with the initial Biblical evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit of God gives them the words to speak in a known language not learned by them (Jn. 3:3-8; Tit. 3:5-7; Acts 2:1-4, 36-40; 10:44-48; 19:1-5; 1Co 6:11; Mk 16:15-17; 1Pe 3:20-21).
Because I sincerely LOVE Pastors and Christians from all denominations, and do not want to see them lost and go to the Lake of Fire, I make this challenge. Jesus commanded All Believers to: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and MANY are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to Life, and FEW are those who find it.” In the next verse, Jesus told Believers in Christ why MANY of them will not received Eternal Life: “Beware of the False Prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Mt. 7:13-15, NAS)
Therefore, MANY Deceived Christians will wake up in the Resurrection and discover have been Deceived by False Prophets concerning the Foundational Doctrine of the New Birth. Jesus said: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will Enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the Will of My Father…. MANY will say to Me on that Day [i.e. Day of Judgment], ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your Name, and in Your Name cast out demons, and in Your Name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER [Greek – oudepote – NEVER AT ANY TIME] Knew you” (Mt. 7:21-23, NAS). Jesus then told them why He NEVER Knew them or why they were NOT His Children, He says they built their Spiritual House on a Wrong Foundation (Mt. 7:24-27, NAS). In other words, False Prophets told them to believe ON Christ INSTEAD of Believing INTO Jesus’ Death, Burial, and Resurrection through the New Birth of “Water and Spirit”! Therefore, they did NOT do God’s WILL by “Entering into the Straight and Narrow Gate to Eternal Life, which is the New Birth”.
This retired Pastor is ready to defend his belief system just as the great apostle Paul did in the Book of Acts against heretics (Acts 17:16-17; 9:29; 15:1-7; 2Ti. 4:1-5). If any Pastor wishes to accept this challenge, call Harry A. Peyton at 575-336-2800 to establish a time, place, and rules for debate. This minister of Christ is not a novice for he has held various Church Offices: Pastor, Assistant Pastor, and Evangelist. He has earned a BA in Theology and has written 26 books on the Doctrines of the Bible, which he gives away on his website, for he believes God’s truths are not for sale. Read or Download my 225 page book: Preacher, What Must I Do to Receive Eternal Life at: www.doctrinesofchrist.com.
Because I sincerely LOVE Pastors and Christians from all denominations, and do not want to see them lost and go to the Lake of Fire, I make this challenge. Jesus commanded All Believers to: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and MANY are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to Life, and FEW are those who find it.” In the next verse, Jesus told Believers in Christ why MANY of them will not received Eternal Life: “Beware of the False Prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Mt. 7:13-15, NAS)
Therefore, MANY Deceived Christians will wake up in the Resurrection and discover have been Deceived by False Prophets concerning the Foundational Doctrine of the New Birth. Jesus said: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will Enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the Will of My Father…. MANY will say to Me on that Day [i.e. Day of Judgment], ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your Name, and in Your Name cast out demons, and in Your Name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER [Greek – oudepote – NEVER AT ANY TIME] Knew you” (Mt. 7:21-23, NAS). Jesus then told them why He NEVER Knew them or why they were NOT His Children, He says they built their Spiritual House on a Wrong Foundation (Mt. 7:24-27, NAS). In other words, False Prophets told them to believe ON Christ INSTEAD of Believing INTO Jesus’ Death, Burial, and Resurrection through the New Birth of “Water and Spirit”! Therefore, they did NOT do God’s WILL by “Entering into the Straight and Narrow Gate to Eternal Life, which is the New Birth”.
This retired Pastor is ready to defend his belief system just as the great apostle Paul did in the Book of Acts against heretics (Acts 17:16-17; 9:29; 15:1-7; 2Ti. 4:1-5). If any Pastor wishes to accept this challenge, call Harry A. Peyton at 575-336-2800 to establish a time, place, and rules for debate. This minister of Christ is not a novice for he has held various Church Offices: Pastor, Assistant Pastor, and Evangelist. He has earned a BA in Theology and has written 26 books on the Doctrines of the Bible, which he gives away on his website, for he believes God’s truths are not for sale. Read or Download my 225 page book: Preacher, What Must I Do to Receive Eternal Life at: www.doctrinesofchrist.com.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Water Safety Instructor
In conjunction with the American Red Cross, swim lessons were provided during the summer months for children of all ages. As a swim instructor, I taught over 30 swim classes for students enrolled in all 8 levels of the ARC swim program. My primary responsibility, as a water safety instructor, was to ensure the safety of the students. Secondary roles included: weekly lesson plans, developing diverse motor drills, demonstrating stroke principals, helping mentally and physically challenged children, creating skill-building games and building on previously acquired skills.
American Red Cross,
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
System Administrator
I designed and implemented a software and hardware upgrade from a Novell 3.1.2 LAN platform to a networked Win 95 environment. Duties included: network troubleshooting, hardware instillation, software configuration and instructional training for employees.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Internet Support Specialist
Duties included: sales, troubleshooting connectivity issues, altering software configurations, and customer relations. I initiated tenure by rapidly recognizing and resolving client software and hardware problems including a wide array of operating systems such as Win 9x/3.x/NT and Mac OS. Additional duties comprised of designing customized computer software packages and instructional manuals for current and prospective Internet clientele.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Water Safety Instructor
In conjunction with the American Red Cross, swim lessons were provided during the summer months for children of all ages. As a swim instructor, I taught over 30 swim classes for students enrolled in all 8 levels of the ARC swim program. My primary responsibility, as a water safety instructor, was to ensure the safety of the students. Secondary roles included: weekly lesson plans, developing diverse motor drills, demonstrating stroke principals, helping mentally and physically challenged children, creating skill-building games and building on previously acquired skills.
American Red Cross,
Water Safety
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Mathematics Instructor
At a private school, I provided instruction for students enrolled in high school geometry. The basic principles of definitions, axioms and proofs were taught though means of traditional lectures, visual examples, classroom discussions, homework assignments, group projects, and student presentations. Although students were from diverse backgrounds with different learning styles, they understood the importance and development of mathematics.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Teaching Assistant for Complier Construction
I assisted students learning about the principles and implementations of compilers for higher-level computer languages, including topics in: scanning, parsing, symbol table management, code emission, and code optimization. I provided students with additional instructions, graded homework, and assisted students having difficulty with class projects.
code emission,
symbol table management,
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Teaching Assistant for Computer Networks
Graduates and undergraduates enrolled in this course where supplemented with both practice and theory. The theory portion of the course covered the ISO model, definitions, equations, interfaces, signaling, and the evolution of networks. Theory was then reinforced with networking protocols, such as: FDDI, CSMA/CD, SONET, IPv6, and ATM. The projects I introduced for this course allowed students to become familiar with UDP and TCP socket programming, and the design of the Linux network layer. For a portion of this course, I substituted for the absent professor and covered principals in optical networks.
IPv6. ATM,
ISO model,
teaching assistant,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Teaching Assistant for Operating Systems
In this course, students cover core principles, such as: I/O, concurrent processes, mutual exclusion, synchronization, deadlocks, scheduling, memory management, file systems, real-time and distributed systems. Students understanding of such principles were enforced with labs and projects. For many of the core principles in operating systems, groups of students were assigned projects that allowed them to create and modify portions of the Linux kernel. In addition to this, I created weekly 45 minute lectures that covered the design and code of the Linux kernel.
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